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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Salmon rillettes, fresh cheese, chives aperitif recipe

An ideal spread for an aperitif, ultra simple and fast: fairly cooked salmon, Saint Môret and some spices / spices of your choice. To serve in toast or DIP.

Recipe information

This recipe is very simple. Choose a good quality of fresh salmonRed label ideally, and cook it gently, without the overflow, we want the fish to remain tender and not become dry. Pan -fried or my preference steamed. Let the salmon cool, crumble it roughly with a fork.

Then mix it with Fresh cheese, Add a little lemon juice and fresh herbsI chose chives. Don’t forgetseason. From there you can decline at leisure according to your tastes.

The main steps to make a salmon rillettes with herbs.

This preparation is perfect because it is both simple and festive, and can be served in many ways:

  • In ultra chic aperitif on blinis for example
  • In DIP to be ticked during aperitif with crisps or raw vegetables, carrot, cucumber, fennel …
  • In component of a varied cold plate around salmon with raw vegetables, and smoked salmon.
  • In sandwich, fresh baguette or sack bread in Type Club Sandwich
  • Or… ? It’s up to you to decide 😉 Will you tell me?
Salmon rillettes with fresh cheese and chives
Fraiis cheese salmon rillettes
Salmon rillettes with fresh cheese and chives

Salmon rillettes with fresh cheese and chives

An ideal spread for an aperitif, ultra simple and fast: fairly cooked salmon, Saint Möret and some spices / spices of your choice. To serve in toast or DIP.

To prevent standby

Preparation time 15 minutes

Cooking time 10 minutes

Cooling 20 minutes

Dish type Aperitif

Kitchen French

The main steps: We cook the salmon steamed. When it is cold, crumble it and mix with the fresh cheese. We season.

Enjoy your food !