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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Avocado toast, curry marinated shrimp, easy recipe

Ideal for aperitifs, buffets or even quick lunch, these avocado sandwiches are noted by shrimp marinated with curry. A delight.

If you have a passion for avocado toasts like me, this recipe is for you. The garnish is simply marinated shrimp that I often offer as an aperitif when I have guests.

The shrimps are handled with a little lemon juice and olive oil and curry. Then drained so as not to make too much juice on the sandwiches.

Then you just have to choose a good bread, grill it slightly, crush the lawyer and season a little. And garnish toast.

Apéro recipe idea with avocado and shrimp, avocado toast at the shrimp
Avocado toast recipe, shrimp, shrimp marinated with curry.
Avocado toast shrimp marinated at curry

Avocado toast, shrimp marinated at curry

Ideal for aperitifs, buffets or even quick lunch, these avocado sandwiches are noted by shrimp marinated with curry. A delight.

To prevent standby

Preparation time 20 minutes

Cooking time 0 minutes

Marinade 1 hour

Dish type Aperitif, entry

Kitchen World cuisine

Marinate the shrimp

Prepare lawyer and bread

The main steps: We marinate the shrimp with lemon juice, olive oil and curry. We drain and crushes the lawyer. Then we prepare the sandwiches.

Enjoy your food !
