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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Caramel meringues Original gourmet and festive recipe

Classic meringues suddenly become very chic and delicious with just a hint of caramel. Here from vanilla caramel, but salted butter caramel should go too.

I don’t know you but I’m crazy about salted butter caramel. I put in many preparations, whether pies, crumbles, or even cakes. When it’s not just in my white cheese. And with pancakes, what a delight! Homemade, or bought, I admit. Where the one my sister-in-law does and brings to my daughters, he is extra, it has become one of his specialties.

The main steps to make caramel meringues

So when I see pots of salted butter caramel, I want to put them everywhere! In a yogurt, an apple pie, a crumble … and today meringue, a caramel nut in each, we mix a little to make pretty spirals and in the oven. Are you tempted?

Caramel meringues
Caramel meringues
Caramel mini meringues in salted butter

Caramel meringues

These meringues with a hint of salted butter caramel suddenly become very greedy. Simple and quick for a very festive presentation.

To prevent standby

Preparation time 20 minutes

Cooking time 1 hour

Dish type Other dessert

Kitchen French

The main steps: We make the meringue and pocket on a plate of the small balls. We put a caramel nut on each and we cook.

Enjoy your food !
