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Chicken with cream and mushrooms easy family recipe

A pan -fried chicken whites, perfect with Paris mushrooms. I give you my advice to make your recipe even more delicious.

Do you like chicken? In Sunday roasted chicken mode or rather sliced ​​pan -fried with a small homemade sauce?
There are a thousand and one way of preparing this poultry: whole roasted whole in the oven with well with for example the classic potatoes and garlic in a shirt (I love to add sweet potato) or with a butter flavored with herbs, or simply chicken breasts quickly prepared in the pan, whether it is chicken with tomato sauce like the Basque chicken, the Japanese with a lemon or lemon sauce, lemon or lemon or lemon sauce, lemon or lemon or lemon sauce, lemon or lemon or lemon or lemon or lemon Cream.

Cream chicken with Paris mushrooms

Today I offer you a very gourmet cream with mushrooms and gives you My little secrets for an ultra creamy and well -tasted sauce.

The main stages of the recipe

Brown the chicken breasts cut into pieces. Remove them and brown the onion and garlic, then the mushrooms. Add a little flour, old -fashioned mustard and cream, put the chicken back. Cook over medium-low heat.

Zoom on Paris mushrooms

As its name suggests, the history of mushrooms in Paris is closely linked to that of Paris.
They were first cultivated in the quarries of the Parisian suburbs and in underground passages such as catacombs, where darkness, temperature and humidity were perfect. There are only a few producers in the Paris region left.

Today, they are mainly cultivated in the Loire valley. Be careful when buying Paris mushrooms; most of them now come from Poland !

Recipe information


Use chicken breasts. You can leave them whole or cut them in half, strips, cubes …
The larger the pieces, the longer the dish must cook. It all depends on the final aspect of the dish you want to obtain or the time you have. Here, I cut chicken breasts lengthwise in large strips, so in 4 pieces each. I also remove the skin.

You can replace the chicken with turkey or choose chicken thighs. In this case, you will have to add more broth and cook longer covered. In addition, in this case I recommend adding the cream until the end.


All varieties of mushrooms are suitable : Paris mushrooms, girols, porcini mushrooms …, but the easiest to find (and the cheapest) remains the Paris, white or brown mushrooms.
Brown mushrooms are generally firmer than white mushrooms.

There is no need to peel them. Cut the base of the foot and brush the mushrooms to remove any trace of earth or sand.
If necessary, rinse them briefly under tap water Without soaking and drying them with absorbent paper or clean cloth.
Cut them into slices or in 2 or 4 depending on their size.

The cream

It is preferable toUse thick fresh cream, ideally 30% fat Rather than liquid cream.


The addition of a tablespoon of flour is optionalbut that allows you to thicken the sauce a little and give it a beautiful creamy texture.

Mustard in old -fashioned grains

My tip for give a little pep to the sauce is to add a tablespoon of old -fashioned mustard.
Dijon mustard is also suitable, but as it is a little strong, I would add only a teaspoon.

Another advice to enhance the flavors : add A handful of dried porcini mushrooms !


Personally, I do not add a broth in this recipe, I prefer the cream.
But If you want a lighter dish, you can reduce the amount of cream a little and add 125 ml of poultry or vegetable broth.

With or without wine?

In many chicken recipes, it is suggested to deglaze the pan with wine (most often white wine), just after blowing the aromatic garnish (onion, garlic, sometimes also carrot, celery …) and meat.

Of course, This adds beautiful flavors to your dish, but I promise you that it is absolutely optional.
First of all, you have to choose a good quality wine, because a cheap and poor quality wine may spoil your dish. Then, if you don’t want to open a bottle of wine only to cook or if you don’t want to use good wine in your kitchen, it can’t be understandable.

To be honest, I never use wine when I cook a meat dish, unless I cook from rooster to wine or a bourguignon beef where red wine or white wine is one of the essential components of the recipe.
I replace the wine with water or broth (poultry or vegetables). And it’s perfect, believe me.

This is why, in the list of ingredients in this recipe, you will not find wine. But if you are used to it, do not hesitate to deglaze with white wine.

Sliced ​​chicken with cream and mushrooms in Paris

Sliced ​​chicken with cream and mushrooms in Paris

A pan -fried chicken whites, perfect with Paris mushrooms. I give you my advice to make your recipe even more delicious: old -fashioned mustard and possibly dried porcini mushrooms

To prevent standby

Preparation time 15 minutes

Cooking time 35 minutes

Dish type Main course

Kitchen French

Start by preparing the ingredients

Start cooking the chicken and mushrooms separately

Enjoy your food !

For mushroom loversI offer you a well -creamy soup, a very autumn rustic pie, a gratin pipped with porcini mushrooms, an ultra festive puree…
