Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Quick dish as an accompaniment or for a lunch on the go, simply mix a leek fondue with a quiche device and a little flour. That’s it.
Do you also like leeks? Apart from soup, fondue as an accompaniment or traditional vinaigrette leek entrance? Here is a recipe that I often make, to change classic winter dishes.
We outdo the chopped leeks with onion (butter, it’s much better!). Then mix them with an egg and milk and/or cream preparation. We add flour and a little grated cheese on top. In the oven 30 to 40 minutes and it’s ready.
Leek is a vegetable unclear (27 kcal per 100 gr) fiber -rich and in Vitamin B9. Widely cultivated in France, we find it throughout the year but The heart of the season is from October to March.
The foliage must have a sustained green color with firm and very rigid leaves.
The white part should not be very wrinkledit would be a sign that they were collected for too long ago.
You can do lots of things: in broths,, frozen to have in advance to add to a soup,, a pesto,, dried and sequined to flavor a flavored salt.
Small young and fine leeks can eat raw, minced in a salad.
Otherwise no complicated technique for leek, it is baked with boiling water, steamed or pan -fried. Just be careful Clean them well Then keep them In sections or emince themcut into more or less thin rings or lengthwise.
I admit I have always found the name Quiche without paste a nonsense. For me it would then be a salted flan.
We only haveA migaine (egg and milk / cream) with a little flour with a garnish.
So as soon as we add A little flour to thickenit’s no longer a blank! This is why I call this recipe a salty clafoutis because we do a bit as for the traditional cherry clafoutis, with eggs, dairy, flour and optional a little butter.
I could also have called this dish a gratinwhat do you think?
In short, the fact remains that it is my way of preparing the leeks in quickly made mode, well done for a complete and nourishing meal but also both simple and fast. I share it with you here with the exact details and quantities because on Instagram, it made several tens of thousands of views, so I conclude that you liked it.
Serve with a green salad for example and you will have a perfect weekly dinner.
Small variants: I offer you on this blog also two Quiche recipes with leeks : one with smoked Haddock, ultra scented you will see that it will surprise your guests! And another with the star of spring wild plants, bears garlic.
Quick dish as an accompaniment or for a lunch on the go, simply mix a leek fondue with a quiche device and a little flour. That’s it.
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