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Lost bread made with croissant breakfast recipe

Here is a lost bread recipe made with crescent instead of the brioche or bread. It is prepared as the traditional recipe, it’s just that we use pastries.

Do you like lost bread? It is possible to make many variants, with any type of bread, from the baguette to the brioche via the sandwich or the country bread, but also with gingerbread or like here of the crescent.

Today we find on the internet and in recipe books, each more inventive than the other. And very often based on brioche or fresh sandwich bread. Quickly prepared, you dip briefly in the egg and milk and/or cream mixture.

But no ! In fact Lost bread is a zero gaspi recipeideal To accommodate stale bread.

We should simply use remains of bread, whatever they are. But then the preparation time is longer. Difficult to give it precisely because the lost bread is ready to have passed in the pan only when it has softened and is well soaked.

We use stingy croissants. So the hardest part, I do not hide it from you, it is to manage to have leftover pastries that have not been devoured to breakfast or to taste.

You can always do it with fresh croissants But then they should not be soaked for a long time in the preparation otherwise they may disintegrate and you will not be able to have a nice presentation. And especially the croissants will be less tasty.
Otherwise, another solution is toBuy the day before the croissants and leave them in the open air until the next day.

Anyway, here are the main lines of the recipe.

  • We beat the eggs in an omelet and add milk. You can use vegetable milk or use liquid cream (or a milk / cream mix).
  • No sugar here in the preparationa pastry is sufficiently sweet. We just add a little in the pan with the butter for an ultra gourmet caramelized rendering.
  • We can add if we want a little cinnamon or vanilla.
  • We cut the croissants in half in the thickness.
  • The croissants are left to soak at least 1 houror more if necessary. We have to wait until the croissants are fully soaked and soft.

For cooking you have the choice in the oven or the pan.

  • Ovensimply pour everything into a gratin dish, sprinkle with a little brown sugar and cook very gently, with a little grill at the end. It will then be more a kind of pudding.
  • However, I prefer cooking pan. We bring back the growing demons in a hot pan with a brown butter and sugar mix and there for sure we get perfectly caramelized croissants. A delight.

When to serve this recipe?

Well at breakfastr of course, or so to taste.
You can also imagine serving these lost croissants for dessert Using mini-viennoiseries that you will cook in the same way and serve with a scoop of ice cream, a little whipped cream, fresh fruit …

Lost Viennoiserie

Crescent lost

Here is a lost bread recipe made with crescent instead of the brioche or bread. It is prepared as the traditional recipe, it’s just that we use pastries.

To prevent standby

Preparation time 5 minutes

Cooking time 10 minutes

Rest 1 hour

Dish type Bread or pastries

Kitchen French

Enjoy your food !
