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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Orange, khaki, pomegranate and lemon salad

A fresh fruit salad to enjoy winter fruits. Enough to fill up on vitamins and antioxidants.

Fruit salad, pretty, pretty… and healthy 🙂 I offer you a concentrate of good humor today with beautiful colors on the plate, vitamins and antioxidants.

Health benefits in this fruit salad

The oranges, We look forward to them in the fall to fill up on vitamin C all winter. Orange also contains a large amount of minerals (calcium, magnesium).

But buy yourself often khaki ? A fruit widely used in Japan that I discovered 30 years ago when I lived there but in France, it seems appreciated but I am often asked how to prepare it. In cake, recipes are to come, or simply in fruit salad like here. The full season is from October to January. On the health, khaki side, rich in fiber, contains significant antioxidant powerful pigments. As with most fruits, there are many varieties of kakis, which can be classified in two main types: astringent flesh khaki, red color, and khaki-pot, that used here and most often found in our markets.

Granada, I love to sprinkle these small seeds that are both sweet and tangy on sweet and savory dishes. As in my salmon tartare or my raw fish verrines and green apple. Powerful anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamin C, pomegranate is very interesting to lute against cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and neurological and good disorders for joints.

Limerich in vitamin C too, I use the juice and zest here to give a little pep to the fruit salad. Very finely grated with my favorite tool the microplane grater.

A fruit salad with winter fruits
A good fresh salad with seasonal fruit
Orange, khaki, pomegranate and lemon fruit salad

Orange, khaki, pomegranate and lemon salad

A fresh fruit salad to enjoy winter fruits. Enough to fill up on vitamins and antioxidants. To serve fresh.

To prevent standby

Preparation time 15 minutes

Cooking time 0 minutes

Dish type Another dessert, fruit

Kitchen French

Prepare the fruit salad

The main steps: We peel orange and khaki and cut them into slices. We press lime, grenade and lime zest.

Enjoy your food !
