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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Pears poached with saffron and cardamone gourmet recipe

These pears are so tasty and sauce with saffron and cardamone … A delight, I literally fund, it has become one of my favorite desserts.

Peeled pears to use in the kitchen

There was recently a funny coincidence. While I came back from a dinner around the touquet rat (see my gratin gratin recipe from the touquet to the saffron) where I had tasted for dessert, guess what, poached pears with saffron and cardamone, my mother brought me a rest of his dessert that she had saved so that I taste, their last little pleasure to her and my father … pears poached and father … Cardamone! Offering me to test and if I liked to publish on the blog.

So taste yes of course, redo obviously and I love it! It’s so flavored! Hyper simple and quick to do for a very chic dessert. To serve on a festive table as in a TV tray with white cheese. I let you test, you will tell me what you think …

And if you like poached pears, find here my recipe for Belle-Helène pears with the story of this legendary dessert.

A pot with pears inside baked with saffron and cardamom
A poached pear with saffron and cardamom, dessert ideal for the holidays
Pears poached with saffron and cardamone

Pears poached with saffron and cardamone

These pears are so tasty and sauce with saffron and cardamone … A delight, I literally found, it has become one of my favorite desserts

To prevent standby

Preparation time 15 minutes

Cooking time 20 minutes

Dish type Another dessert, fruit

Kitchen French

The main steps: We pocket the peeled pears in white wine with sugar and spices. The pears are removed and reduce the juice.
Enjoy cold.

Enjoy your food !
