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Recipe for small pots of caramel cream with carambar

The sweetness of a small jar of cream, a delicious taste of caramel as a bonus. And above all a super easy and fun recipe to make with children. Please note the gourmets will finish the package!

Caramel creams are so good. Especially homemade. Even if I admit, when there is danette or other delicious small pots, I let myself be tempted. I often hear that some do not dare to embark on the making of a caramel (even less with small ends) or especially have no time. It was while strolling on the blog still a cake that the solution seemed to me as obvious. Creams in the Carambar. Of course ! Ideal for making a dessert with children in two stages three movements, without risking that they are burning with caramel. And the carambars, they love it. Nothing but the idea likes. Also that of being able to finish the package and having lots of jokes to put.

So tell me: 1/ What is the favorite month of fish? 2/ What is a hen pressed? 3/ What color are peas? 4/ Why don’t the English like frogs? 5/ Why are sheep still single? …

Small caramel cream pots with carambar

Small caramel cream pots with carambar

And this is where I remembered that a long time ago I had made a recipe from Anne-Sophie Pic precisely of caramel dessert. So I offer two options. 1/ The hyper fast recipe in 3 ingredients (carambar, egg, milk with baking in a double boiler) here on the blog still a cake. Or 2/ this which is an adaptation of the Anne-Sophie Pic recipe, especially lightened because with 2 times less butter and a little less sugar!

A little trick: This recipe nEscessity to melthttps: // Carambars in milk. If it is hot and the carambars are soft, they are difficult to cut. You can put them in the refrigerator. They will become brittle and will then be easier to cut.
I immediately advise you to double the proportions !!!

Small caramel cream pots with carambar

Cream Carambar MPK 12 9303073 B5868

Caramel cream pots in the carambar

Small caramel cream pots with carambar

Hyper fun to do with children, delicious small pots of caramel cream. But not just any. Carambar!

To prevent standby

Preparation time 20 minutes

Cooking time 10 minutes

Dish type Other dessert

Kitchen French

The main steps: The carambars are melted in the milk and then cooked with the other ingredients until thickened. We add the butter and mix.

Enjoy your food !

And the responses to Carambar jokes: 1/ May, 2/ a pressure cooker, 3/ red because the small red fish 4/ because they make the tea-tard 5/ because they are sent.
