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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Safran custard original recipe

A simple recipe because there is just infuse the saffron in the milk before making the classic custard (therefore without vanilla) for a delightfully saffron cream which will be beautiful with your desserts.

Here with a chocolate fondant.

Some of you may have noticed it, I’m a fan of Safran. And not only since I planted in my garden and I have the pleasure of harvesting it (therefore consuming it without too many costs). If this possibility of growing your saffron yourself intrigues / interests, go see the aric where I relate my first two years of experience of craft culture of Safran. If you can have a little piece of earth, it’s really worth getting started.

Here is a second dessert that completes a future long list of saffron dishes because I have lots of ideas in mind. On the blog there is already a saffron lemon pie and a saffron cake. To be continued, because I think I suggest you for Christmas Eve of burnt in saffron.

The cream is tasted after cooling but it is even better 12 to 24 hours later because the saffron flavors continue to diffuse. To be tested as a saffron -snow egg recipe …

At the end of the recipe, the instructions if you have a Cookexpert.

Safran custard

Safran custard

A simple recipe because there is just infuse the saffron in the milk before making the classic custard (therefore without vanilla) for a delightfully saffron cream which will be beautiful with your desserts. Here with a chocolate fondant.

To prevent standby

Preparation time 15 minutes

Cooking time 10 minutes

Total time 25 minutes

Dish type Other dessert

Kitchen French

Cookexpert Magimix recipe : Infuse the saffron in the same way. Then put all the ingredients in the tank and launch the expert program, speed 4 to 80 ° C for 10 minutes.

Enjoy your food !

Safran custardSafran custard
