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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Small puff pastry rolled with smoked salmon, aperitif recipe

Small bites as an aperitif rolled up like snails of puff pastry, very fun to make with a good taste of smoked salmon. To decline at leisure with pestos, tapenade … and offer an assortment.

Sun pies and other garnished puff pastry always have a nice effect on aperitifs. I offer you here a small spiral version, more easily achievable if you find a rectangular puff pastry than round. Here lined with smoked salmon for taste, and a little fresh cheese so that it is not too dry. I used Saint Moret because it is a base at home that you use easily, but you can replace this with philadelphia, fresh squares or fresh goat cheese. The only difficulty in the recipe is to put enough to bring a little soft but not too much otherwise it drips a little when cooked.

My dog ​​would have eaten a few! And small focus at the last photo on a dish loaned by a neighbor who comes straight from the Trianon hotel in Versailles.

Smoked salmon puffs for an aperitif
Smoked salmon puffs for an aperitif
Small puff pastry rolled with smoked salmon

Small puff pastry rolled with smoked salmon

Small bites as an aperitif rolled up like snails of puff pastry, very fun to make with a good taste of smoked salmon. To decline at leisure with pestos, tapenade … and offer an assortment

To prevent standby

Preparation time 15 minutes

Cooking time 20 minutes

Dish type Aperitif

Kitchen French

The main steps: We spread the cheese paste and then covers salmon. We roll, put in the fridge, cut sections and cook

Enjoy your food !
