Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tian Provençal of summer vegetables, best French recipe

Explosion of flavors of Provence, I give you the secrets for well cooked and soft vegetables. We don’t want tomatoes, eggplant and zucchini all dry.

Tian is sometimes a little dry, hardly difficult to cook the vegetables I therefore give you The best method and my advice for a very soft tian.

Do you know what is the origin of the Tian?

The Tian is actually the old old Provencal word designating container, today designating its content. Tian is indeed the terracotta dish used for cooking, the word tian coming from ancient Greek teganon (frying pan). The dish and therefore by extension the contents of this dish that is cooked in the oven.

Almost systematically associated with the preparation of Provencal summer vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, tomato), Tian, ​​typical of Provencal family cuisine, also designates meat or fish or other vegetables like the chard, sugary tians too. Originally, we cooked in these ground dishes (the tians) all the products available to prepare meals and cook them over low heat in the baker’s oven or in the chimney bread oven for those who had them. This made it possible to enjoy the heat of the oven once the bread is finished.
